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The unconventional fashion trend of September

A trend that will have a positive impact on charities and the environment. September, a period that signifies a reset button for many, is significantly important for the fashion industry. It is a month that paves the way for transitional…

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Funding roundup for charities

The Smiles Fund by Walkers and Comic Relief Who can apply? Registered UK charities with an annual income of £250,000 - £1 million How much? £100,000 - £300,000 Deadline date? 11 am (UK time) on Wednesday 15th September 2021 The…

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Funding roundup for charities

Barclays 100x100 UK COVID-19 Community Relief Fund Who can apply? Registered UK charity with an annual income of 1 million How much? £100,000 Deadline date? 6 pm (UK time) on Friday 6 August 2021 Barclays will be donating £100,000 to…

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Mass fundraising events will resume in the UK

Fundraising events with mass participation can take place throughout the UK now that restrictions have eased. The Mass Participation Sports Organisers (MSO) has celebrated the return of mass participation sports events in England, following the UK government’s confirmation that restrictions…

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Nectar points can now benefit charities

Crowdfunder and Nectar join forces to launch Nectar Donate - a scheme that will enable 18 million Nectar members to donate their points to benefit UK charities. The scheme, which is available from August, will let consumers select a charity…

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