What we do for our new and existing members
The Charities Buying Group (CBG) is a Community Interest Company and as such all profits go towards the National Walking Football Alliance (NWFA} our initiative for health and wellbeing, particularly for the elderly.
The Charities Buying Group provide a dedicated service operated for the benefit of ALL charities and not for profit organisations offering a wide range of buying agreements that are designed to reduce expenditure and, by reducing cost, help organisations make better use of their money for the benefit of the missions/objectives they were created for.
The Charities Buying Group was formed in 2002 after reviewing how little support charities get in solving their purchasing issues, particularly small charities who do not have the buying power of larger organisations. By using the collective buying power of the Charities Buying Group, we can support all charities as we truly believe that by buying more efficiently, more of their money can be used for the purpose it is intended, meeting their service objectives and, more importantly, helping those people who need the help most in terms of care and welfare. This is the true vision of the Charities Buying Group.
In 2004, we were commended in Parliament in an Early Day Motion for helping our first 255 members achieve more than 1 million pounds saving in our first year.
In addition, membership organisations can offer our services to their members as a benefit of membership.
We have a full e-commerce site allowing full access to order online from a wide range of vetted and trusted supply partners. If required, we can provide a ‘white label’ website i.e., branded for your charity / organisation with the Charities Buying Group doing all the work in providing the service behind the scenes.
What services do we provide?
Electricity and Gas – We have a unique partnership with SSE to enable cost reduction by reviewing current costs to cut cost. SSE provides Green Energy direct from their UK wind farms.
Telecommunications – The CBG operates its own Telecoms service, including its own billing platform and can make significant cost savings as a direct service provider.
Insurance – We provide all varieties of insurance cover, from both buildings and contents cover to indemnity and public liability cover plus many more services.
Information Technology – We have trusted partners in providing IT solutions, including both hardware and software at special charity rates.
The CBG also have a wide range of additional service providers for food, marketing, accountancy and many more.
How does our service work?
Simply contact us directly on 0800 195 3010 or via our website for any specific needs or simply order online. Keeping it simple to gain savings for your members.
Controlling a charity’s finances means meticulous tracking.
Funds are sparse and each penny has a designated purpose. As the Charity’s profits — along with your budget — begin to grow, it becomes a challenge to track spending, especially across multiple departments or locations.
We provide a service that allows you to have a better understanding of your financial situation and the best ways to cut cost and save money.
As funding becomes more difficult in the current financial climate, it is important to ensure you are getting ‘value for money’ on all ‘bought in’ goods and services. One of the problems while looking at reducing your operating cost is finding the time and resources necessary to undertake the exercise. This is why we offer a FREE Savings Audit without any obligation. It is an invaluable exercise which allows us to help you saves thousands of pounds every year.
All you need to do is send us copies of recent invoices, contracts, etc., and we will review all the costs for you. What will you get in return?
A report detailing:
Analysis of current and new projected costs
Savings available
Timescales for implementation (subject to your approval)
Key areas to start with are Electricity and Gas, Telecommunications and Broadband, Food, Insurance and Stationery. If there are specific areas you would like us to review, we are always happy to look at opportunities to save further money for you.
What is the National Walking Football Alliance (NWFA}?
Walking football is an inclusive sport that encourages older generations to become part of a community. The sport gives older people, who may not have regular social activities, an opportunity to interact with others, make friends, and exercise. Ultimately, walking football has a positive impact on a person’s mental and physical well-being.
Small tweaks are made to the infamous ball game so older people can participate, such as kick-ins rather than throw-ins and no running whatsoever. These changes reduce stress on the body so older people can still play the infamous sport. By joining a team, people can be reunited with a sport that they may have had to give up because of the restrictions that come with aging.
All profits from the CBG as a community interest company go to supporting this initiative, so not only does the CBG support charities in reducing cost but has a clear mission to supporting health and well-being across the UK.
If you require any further information on how we can work with you to support cost reduction both directly and/or as part of a membership benefit please contact our teamWha, Director on 0800 195 3010 or email to sales@charitiesbuyinggroup.com
We look forward to being of service to you.
Michael J Hodgetts FCIPS FRSA
Chief Executive Officer
Charities Buying Group