How charities can navigate and adapt to restrictions
With the end of restrictions on the horizon and the idea of life as we know proposed to begin in June, charities can start preparations to resume their operations.
Although many adapted to the changes that the pandemic caused, by moving over to virtual donations and fundraising efforts taking place from home – the Third sector has struggled. The closure of charity shops and halt to fundraising efforts, combined with the economic crisis (redundancies and businesses going bust) caused a collective sense of panic.
However, charities adapted to the situation. And upon reflection, it could be beneficial to implement certain changes and ideas going forward.
Analyse your supporters’ responses.
COVID-19 changed how charities were able to operate, receive donations and raise funds. Therefore, you can monitor how your supporters have responded to said changes and if new methods have become more favourable or affordable. Is it easier for people to drop off donations and connect virtually? Are the inventive fundraising efforts carried out during lockdown something that can continue?

Use social media to your advantage and ask followers their opinions and thoughts. You can discover people’s preferences by interacting with your supporters online and looking into the algorithms on each platform. Discover what platform gets the most engagement, and which is the most popular demographic to engage with your content.
Continue to invest time into your charity’s social media platforms. If the past year did not emphasise the importance of an online presence, nothing else will.
*Shameless plug – We even dedicated a full article to highlight the importance of social media that you can read here*

Get help from others.
The charity sector is a friendly community – now is the time to seek advice and ideas from others. You can see how other organisations are handling the transition to normal life, and even reach out to people within the sector for a conversation.
Prep for fundraising events and reopenings.
Keep your staff, colleagues, and supporters safe in-house and at fundraising events (when larger groups are permitted).
Here at Charities Buying Group, we offer charities and non-profit organisations a variety of PPE and hygiene products at a discounted price. Why pay inflated prices for PPE? The money you save can go toward your charity’s cause and be better spent elsewhere.

It is undeniable that COVID-19 will continue to impact the economy as the world tries to begin the new normal. A rise in unemployment and an increase in poverty could reduce a charity’s budget, as supporters may have been financially hit. Going forward charities will have to adapt to budget cuts, restrictions implemented by the government, and a decrease in funding.
Yet against all odds charities and the public came together to help others in need as traditional fundraising efforts were replaced with inventive alternatives. For example, an 11-year-old schoolboy from Devon camped outside in a tent every night for a year to raise money for North Devon Hospice.
Charities are an essential part of society as they provide services and help to people in need throughout the UK and world.