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Green decisions for charities

Eco-friendly initiatives and choices for charities

At a time when global warming continues to have significant effects on the planet, companies are making green choices available to charities. Making such options available provides eco-friendly alternatives, will reduce carbon footprints, encourage a circular economy, and help the planet.

Textiles 2030 – join a movement

Textiles 2030, led by WRAP, wants to accelerate the move towards a circular fashion and textiles system. The target is to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of new products by 50% and reduce the water footprint of new products sold by 30%. The movement is for organisations who want to collaborate and educate one another to make decisions that will tackle global warming.

In addition to well-known retailers such as Missguided and Marks & Spencer signing up, various charities have also joined. Charities such as The British Heart Foundation, Salvation Army, and Oxfam.

Earth Day – make it relevant to inspire others

Earth Day is a time for charities to reflect on running operations to decide if more sustainable options are available. Countless organisations are out there who provide charities with greener choices, such as Event Cycle – a company that repurposes leftover items from events for charities to use.

Charities can utilise social media platforms to make Earth Day relevant to their cause. If an organisation relies on donations, Earth Day may inspire the public to repurpose items that they own. This will benefit the planet and charitable causes simultaneously.

Funding – search sustainably

Charities can use The Environmental Funders Network and the Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) to search for information on green grants and sources of funding. This shares a network of foundations, trusts, and individual causes that provide grants which supplement financial and environmental support.

There are various methods that charities can use to provide services with sustainability in mind. A small step or change made to operations is a small step that will help the environment.

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