Funds and grants available to charities this winter
The cost-of-living crisis – a nationwide struggle for businesses and households alike – has put a monumental strain on charities. In addition to paying more for essential products, the 50% energy increase is an inflation that becomes more prevalent as the weather gets colder.
To prevent charities from having to close their doors and stop delivering services this winter, numerous funds have been made available to help ease the pressure.
London Warm Winter Welcome funding
The city of London Corporation campaign is offering charities and voluntary organisations up to £2,000 to host warm space events this winter. The grants are available to support the operational costs, so communities socialise and keep warm.
National Lottery Community Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund will keep every funding option available for new and returning applications.
David Knott, Chief Executive, expects to commit over £75mn to support communities with the cost of living through existing commitments and extra flexibility in grant-making. Adjustments will also be made to grants to reflect the pressures charities and organisations are facing.
Scarborough Warm Welcome Fund
Scarborough Council will distribute £10,000 to support community-based organisations and spaces during the winter months.
Small grants of up to £300 will be available to help with essential products and services, such as utilities and basic food costs.
The purpose of this fund is to ensure that warm spaces can continue to operate this winter.
Durham Keep Warm, Keep Well
Affordable housing provider, Believe Housing, has changed its £25,000 grants scheme for cash to go directly to projects that address the rising cost of living. The grant is offering £500 per project toward initiatives in central, east, and south-west Durham.
Big Energy Saving Loans from Big Issue Invest
To secure long-term solutions, Big Issue Invest is offering loans of up to £150,000 to charities and social enterprises. The loan is to help organisations install more efficient lighting, insulation, or heat pumps to reduce costs and help with rising energy costs.
The loans are available to charities and social enterprises throughout England and range from £20,000 to £150,000.
Essex Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund
Community groups and Parish and Town Councils in Essex can apply for grants of up to £1,000 from Essex County Council to provide warm spaces and activities this winter.
The grant is funded by Essex County Council and delivered on its behalf by the Essex Association of Local Councils to help with projects that provide warm spaces and activities for residents.
For advice on funding and grants please click here