#SmallCharityWeek is here
The week-long event is held to raise awareness and celebrate the big impact that small charities have.
If you are a small charity – here is a quick and concise roundup of how the event can benefit your organisation.
Monday = I love small charities day
Let the hashtags and social media posts commence. Monday is the day to (digitally) shout from the rooftops about #SmallCharityWeek. Posting across all social media platforms is a great opportunity to engage current supporters and potentially gain new ones.
Small charities are encouraged to post the following:
- Take a photo of yourself holding up a poster that reads – “I love (your charity’s name) because (why you love them)” and use the hashtag #ILoveSmallCharities.
- Use the hashtags and phrases, I Love Small Charities Day and #SCWeek2021 to raise awareness of the UK Small Charity Sector.
There are a variety of graphics available to use for free here.
Tuesday = Big Advice Day
Volunteer experts are donating free one-to-one advice to small charities via telephone or web conference.
All small charities also have free access to informative live webinars on numerous topics that will be held on Zoom.
Wednesday = Policy Day
Led by the NCVO, policy day is to raise the profile of organisations with policymakers and influencers. It is an opportunity for small charities to interact with policymakers, learn about policy progress and contribute to policy debates.
Thursday = Fundraising
Events, competitions, initiatives, and resources that will focus on fundraising. There are two free webinars to choose from:
- Making your fundraising legal and ethical post-Covid.
- Where do we go from here? Re-stabilising and diversifying your income in 2021 and beyond.
Friday = Small Charity Big Impact
The day will be led by The FSI and Social Value UK, and sponsored by PolicyBee to highlight the impact small UK charities have made both locally and internationally. It will include free webinars, Q&A panels, and a competition.
The competition: Use a provided template to post a photo or record a short video to show the impact your organisation has made over the past 12 months. The most eye-catching posts will receive donations of £50.
Saturday = Appreciation Day
Led by the Small Charities Coalition, there will be a big emphasis on staff, volunteers, trustees, and supporters. It is a day to reflect, appreciate and say thank you for the work of small charities everywhere.
How will your organisation celebrate #smallcharityweek? – let us know via social media, we would love to hear about it!