Should charities still post blogs?
In short – yes – and here’s why
It’s undeniable that brands, influencers, and even charities (such as The British Heart Foundation) are posting TikTok-style videos to engage with their audience. The videos are fun, informative, and require a shorter amount of engagement, therefore more likely to captivate the audience for its entirety in comparison to a blog post which takes longer to digest.
Although reels still reign supreme on social media – in terms of favourability – posting regular blog articles can be beneficial, it’s just important to know what to write about.
Don’t – post blog articles that resemble a Wikipedia page to outline your charity’s purpose and services.
Do – include internal links to product and information pages in blog posts when and if relevant.
People like to read about other people
The key to writing a successful blog is to find a relevant topic that entertains the reader. To find engaging topics charities can scroll social media and take a look at what is happening in the Third Sector, then write a personal takes or different angle on it.
For example, find a community or person your charity has helped to show supporters that your cause makes a difference. Sharing stories shows your charity’s purpose, can create more supporters, and entice people in need to reach out should they require help.
Charities that share real-life stories come across as more transparent, which in turn will build trust with supporters. In addition to success stories about people, charities should not be afraid to slightly sway away from their niche if an interesting topic or news event happens.
By posting current and thought-provoking blogs, your charity may gain readers that didn’t intend to search for your charity. In this scenario, all exposure is good exposure, as it raises awareness for your cause.
Is it working?
Google Analytics can be used to gain insight into a blog’s success, as it details readers, click-throughs, shares, and comments. To maximise potential readers, blogs should be shared on social media and stories with click-through links.
LinkedIn is another platform to share blogs, particularly interviews with people in the industry. The interviewee is likely to share it on their feed which, in turn, will increase exposure and may lead to collaborations with other charities and organisations in the Third Sector.
Although blogging may not be as popular as videos (for now), it gives people a secondary location to explore your charity’s ethos. Blogs can be worthwhile, providing that the content is researched and well written, because they have the potential to build connections and raise awareness for charities.