Purchasing Support Services supply our customers with the provision of a dedicated purchasing and operations team, specialising in food and cleaning purchases, to offer a wide range of services, aimed at reducing your monthly outgoing costs by up to 10%.
In addition to the savings we look to provide, Purchasing Support Services offer an extensive range of added value support which is summarised below and is provided on a cost-free basis.
Purchasing Support Services (PSS) was founded in 1999. With over a 100 years combined experience in purchasing and the foodservice industry, we understand the challenges you and your team have on a day to day basis. Our aim is to reduce costs without impacting on quality, as well as providing all of our customers with an extensive range of support services that are aimed at supporting your business.
Key Services Offered by Purchasing Support Services (PSS)
• Reduce your monthly outgoing costs by up to 10%-15%
• 10% cashback
• Recipe & costing management system
• Dedicated customer help desk
• Dysphagia, soft palate & pureed meal support
• Full allergen support & bespoke allergen check sheets
• Menu suggestions & 4 week nutritionally balanced menu cycle
• Chef development days
• PSS Online – our purchasing portal which brings all of your suppliers into one place
Our main purpose is to help charitable organizations in the UK reduce their expenditure. Thanks to our large buying power, we have secured a wide range of buying agreements that are designed for the specific purpose of lowering the outgoings of an organizations.
The impact of our services has been so valuable that we have even been recognised and commended by UK Parliament.
For more details or information about how we can help you and your organization with FOOD, please contact us. You can do so by calling us on 08001953010 or email support@charitiesbuyinggroup.com or simply fill in the contact form below.
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